NY Fashion Space Best Seller

Our luxury dance wear is a great choice for beginning dancers or experienced dancers who want a comfortable and stylish practice outfit. You will love our unique designs and quality materials. We know how important it is to look good while dancing, and we want you to feel confident in your practice wear. You will look stunning in any of our gorgeous pants & tops!

Bestseller of NY standard training clothes for many years. Comfortable and lightweight practice wear. Gives a sleek look and comfort for practice and lessons. Easy to wash, dry, and absolutely wrinkle-free. Many years of improving the technology with dancers.

This is a must-have for every dancer who wants an easy to wear and care for garment that will last through countless hours of rehearsal or performance.

Dancers love this fabric because it is soft, durable, stretches with their movement, holds its shape after numerous washings and has great drape. It is also perfect for tap shoes as it will not go flat under their taps!



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